zondag 6 december 2015

Zondagochtendmuziek - Smetana 'Ma Vlast' - Jakub Hrusa, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

Olga de Kort was er bij. Bij het debuut van de Tsjechische dirigent Jakub Hrůša bij het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest op 29 november. En ze is daar enthousiast over:
Debuts are not perhaps the most relaxing events with space for spontaneity and improvisation, but there are still happy exceptions when the audience actually has the feeling of being part of a spontaneous musical flow, born right there and then. The Czech conductor Jakub Hrůša, making his Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra debut, needed just a few bars from the opening of Smetana's Vltava to convince in his deep attachment to the music, whereby a demanding debut changed into a striking performance marked by freshness and fever.
Lees hier verder: Jakub Hrůša's striking debut with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.

Dat maakt nieuwsgierig. En dan vind je zomaar deze uitvoering van Smetana's Ma Vlast met het Seoul Philharmonia Orchestra. Prachtig.

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