zondag 22 augustus 2021

Zondagochtendmuziek - ✡︎ Far Away Lands: The Medieval Sephardic Heritage

Spanje was tot eind vijftiende eeuw een smeltkroes van culturen, Moors, Christelijk en Joods. De Sefardische Joden of Sefardim leefden zeven eeuwen lang in Spanje onder het  Moorse bewind. In 1492 werden ze door de Christenen verdreven. 

The Sephardic Jews gave to their descendants a remarkable and vital tradition of secular and sacred song, passed down orally, mainly by the women of the Sephardic community. This repertoire was lovingly preserved and built upon over the centuries, new songs often adopting the musical practices of the ‘far away lands’ in which the scattered Sephardim found themselves. Music, like poetry, provides a means of preserving a culture in a way that is not tied to one location, as a settlement would be. With their songs, ballads, and romances, the displaced Jews could have with them at all times a reminder of the joys of their Spanish homeland, cruelly taken from them under the stern direction of the Inquisition.

Dit is Sefardische muziek uitgevoerd door het Ensemble Florata, opgericht door Tim Rayborn

Muziek over verre landen.

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