Met een van die peers is waarschijnlijk Mstislav Rostropovich bedoeld. Ook heel mooi, maar wel heel anders. Bachs cellosuites hoor ik liever van Starker dan van Rostropovich. Als je naar Starker kijkt, dan lijkt het of hij onverstoorbaar is. Maar dat ligt dus aan dat adagium: Create excitement. Don't get excited.Starker's playing style is intense and involves great technical mastery. According to some of his students, his technique revolves around long, legato notes, with very little shifting noise from his left hand, resulting in smooth, pure tones, "each note sounding like a jewel." Starker himself describes his sound as "centered" and "focused." He is known for his ability to produce an extremely wide range of sounds and tone shading. He eschews the wide vibrato favored by some of his peers—which he views as a cover for poor intonation—and he is known for his patrician stage presence, preferring to let the music do the emoting. He quotes his long-time friend and colleague, György Sebők, who said, "Create excitement. Don't get excited."
Hier speelt hij het derde deel uit de cellosonate van Kodály. Ik vind het wel passen bij de opwinding van het nu toch wel degelijk doorbrekende voorjaar.
Janos Starker - Kodály Cello Solo Sonata III. Mvt - YouTube:
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